Why Ulysses?
Ulysses represents the sense for adventure which you seek through motorcycling. The name comes from a poem of the same title by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It tells how the great Greek hero Ulysses, now middle-aged and securely in charge of his kingdom of Ithaca, is getting bored with things around him and longs to go adventuring again with his shipmates of old. It describes very well the sort of person who still has enough spark to go on riding into middle and later years.
How did Ulysses Club Begin?
Ulysses Club Inc. is a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40 however the original suggestion for the club was for over 50s motorcyclists and was put forward in a letter by Stephen Dearnley published in the August 1983 issue of Bike Australia.
Stephen had initially responded to some comments by ‘Wrench McTaggart’, aka Grant Roff, who had suggested to an over 50s rider; “Hasn’t anyone ever told you about growing old gracefully …”

Patrick Laycock

Peter Aylott
International Liason

Simon Marsh

Martin Lockley

Chales Warner
Club Profile & Membersip Growth

Nick Clamp
Shining On Liason

Keith Alexander
Committe Member

Barry Croft
Shining On Newsltter Editor
Incredible Club
Ulysses Club Great Britain is an incredible club that brings together motorcyclists over 40. The sense of community and support among the members is brilliant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Community Like No Other
Ulysses Club Great Britain is a community like no other. The club’s focus on promoting companionship and support among mature riders is truly inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Club, Great People
I have been a member of Ulysses Club Great Britain for over a year now, and I can confidently say that it is a fantastic club. The camaraderie among the members is unparalleled, and the support and companionship I have found here are truly remarkable. The organized ride-outs, charity events, and extended tours have been incredible experiences. I highly recommend this club to any mature rider.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An Amazing Riding Experience
Being a part of Ulysses Club Great Britain has been an amazing experience. The club’s emphasis on promoting companionship and support among mature riders is truly commendable. The organized ride-outs and group tours have allowed me to explore the beautiful British Isles while enjoying the company of fellow
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Johnson