Welcome to

The international social club for mature bikers

🏍️ We run a number of extended tours in the British Isles each year.

🏍️ We organise regular single-day ride-outs and meetings for a cuppa, fry-up or lunch throughout the year.

🏍️ We keep in regular contact through our active website and our member-only Facebook group.

🏍️ We arrange weekend ride-outs, sometimes as charity events, in different parts of the country.

🏍️ We regularly travel abroad on group rides – often to meet with our Ulysses friends from other countries’ clubs.

🏍️ We meet up with visiting members from other countries – e.g. from Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Norway, and the USA.

Our Aims Are:

🏍️ To provide ways in which older riders can get together for companionship and mutual support.

🏍️ To show by example that motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for riders of all ages.

🏍️ To draw the attention of public and private institutions to the needs and views of older riders.

🏍️ To foster relations with Ulysses members internationally.


🏍️ Membership is open to all those over 40 years of age with an interest in motorcycling. If you are interested in joining us check the Membership section for further details.

Besides our adventurous tours, members can regularly meet up. Fixed lunch times are the second Wednesday of each month for the North Midlands / Peak District and the fourth Wednesday for the South Midlands (various venues). There are also regular meetings for members in the North West. These gatherings help keep in touch with friends, meet new ones, and plan future adventures. Our Gallery shows our activities over the past few years, while the Rides & Events link shares stories of our adventures both here and abroad with fellow Ulysseans. That page also includes a table of upcoming activities.

Join the Club

Discover the Ulysses Experience

Experience the joy of motorcycling with like-minded riders over 40. Join Ulysses Club Great Britain and enjoy companionship, support, and thrilling ride-outs across the British Isles.

Latest News

May 2025 International Gathering in Worcester, UK In 2025, the Ulysses Club GB will host the International meeting in the UK. The event will be held at the Whitehouse Hotel in Worcester, a central location in the UK providing opportunities for riding in many well known and popular parts of the country. The city has

On Wednesday, 18th October a short ceremony was held at Jephson Gardens in Leamington in conjunction with representatives from ‘Race against Dementia’. Funds collected by the club were donated to our chosen charity to receive over £1500 we’ve raised over the last two years.Read More…

Another successful AGM at Worcester saw the setting up of a new expanded committee which bodes well for the future. The event was very well attended and the weather was kind. The rideouts were enjoyed by all involved and the delights of the pleasant town of Worcester were enjoyed by those looking for a more

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ulysses Club Great Britain?

Ulysses Club Great Britain is a social club for motorcyclists over 40, promoting companionship and support among mature riders.

How can I join Ulysses Club Great?

To join Ulysses Club Great Britain, you can visit our website and fill out the membership form. Membership is open to motorcyclists over 40 who share our passion for companionship, support, and enjoyable

What are the key activities of Ulysses?

Ulysses Club Great Britain organizes various activities to promote companionship and

How often are the annual AGM’s?

The annual AGMs of Ulysses Club Great Britain are held once a year. It is a significant event where members come together to discuss club matters,

Are there any membership fees?

Yes, there is a membership fee to join Ulysses Club Great Britain. The fee helps support the club’s activities, events, and initiatives. The exact amount of the membership fee can be found on our website, along with information on how to make the payment.


I joined the Ulysses Club Great Britain in 2016 and it has been an incredible journey. The club provides a wonderful platform for mature riders like me to connect,
